Here's what's included...

  • 3 in-depth learning modules/levels so you're able to get clear, easily digestible breakdowns of each concept

  • 9 lessons + 4 bonus lessons + 4 guides that allow you to learn at your own pace and in your way

  • Private community where you can continue to learn and test concepts with your peers

  • Unlimited access to the course so you can re-watch and soak up all of the gems as often as you'd like!

  • The MoMINTum Formula™ so you can always get back into momentum

  • MINT affirmations and playlist to help you stay in the MINT mind zone

The MINT Lab™

    1. Welcome to The MINT Lab™

    2. Pre-work

    1. This is the beginning

    2. MINDSET: Where you are and where you're going

    3. MOTIVE: the WHY, the cause or reason for

    4. BONUS lesson: Grateful and Thankful

    1. MOTIVATIONS the WHAT that guides your why

    2. MOMENTS: every moment counts

    3. The MoMINTum Formula™: motivation x moments = moMINTum

  • $1,010.00

This course if for the following:

  • Ambitious individuals: It is for those who have a strong desire to excel in their personal and professional lives and are committed to investing time and effort in their personal growth.

  • Goal-oriented individuals: It is for those who are motivated to set ambitious goals and are willing to adopt a growth mindset to achieve them. They understand the importance of mindset in achieving long-term success.

  • Individuals seeking transformation: It is for individuals who feel stuck, facing self-doubt, fear, or limiting beliefs that hinder their progress. They are open to self-reflection and are ready to embrace change to experience personal transformation.

  • Entrepreneurs and business professionals: It is for entrepreneurs and professionals who recognize that their mindset directly impacts their business success. They understand the correlation between personal growth, mindset, and achieving professional goals.

  • Individuals seeking clarity and direction: It is for those who may be at a crossroads in their lives, uncertain about their purpose or direction. They are eager to gain clarity, discover their passions, and create a vision for their future.

Bonus material

Include additional content to your course curriculum to provide further value to your students.

  • Bonus #1: Four additional lessons

    $497 value

    These are brand new, never before seen lessons that help drive home the pillars of the program.

  • Bonus #2: MINT to Succeed eBook

    $47 value

    This book goes beyond mere motivation and inspiration – its singular purpose is to help you seize the reins of your life, make empowered choices, and create a future of your own design. With each turn of the page, you'll embark on a profound exploration of self-awareness, personal empowerment, and the limitless possibilities that await. You'll discover that the power to shape your destiny has been within your grasp all along – it just needed to be awakened.

  • Bonus #3: The MINT affirmations and playlist

    $27 value

    Affirmations to help kickstart the process to MINTing your mind for success and the playlist that will help keep you in moMINTum.

This course may NOT be suitable for the following:

This is for anyone, not everyone, and that's okay.

  • Individuals seeking overnight fixes: This course is focused on long-term personal growth and mindset development. It requires commitment, consistency, and dedication to implementing the strategies and techniques taught throughout the program.

  • Those resistant to change: The course is designed to challenge existing beliefs and encourage participants to step out of their comfort zones. Individuals who are resistant to change or unwilling to explore new perspectives may not benefit fully from the program.

  • Individuals not ready for self-reflection: 'The MINT Lab™' requires participants to engage in self-reflection, confront limiting beliefs, and take responsibility for their own growth. Those who are not open to introspection or personal exploration may find it challenging to fully embrace the course.

  • Individuals seeking therapy or clinical support: While 'The MINT Lab™' offers valuable mindset coaching, it is not a substitute for therapy or clinical support for individuals dealing with severe mental health issues. It is important for individuals with serious mental health concerns to seek appropriate professional help.

Take action now and secure your spot

Invest in yourself and your future, unlock your path to abundance, reclaim your freedoms, and begin to live the life of your dreams!!!

*Refund Policy Reminder: All M$. Income digital products, including The MINT Lab™, are intellectual-based courses. Due to the nature of knowledge being irreversible, we offer lifetime access to this transformative information. As a result, all sales are final, and no refunds will be issued at any time for any reason.